“It was the end of May and the first of June 1969.  We had arrived.  We had just graduated from high school.  All of a sudden we were free from the grind of the class room.  The elation was rampant.  By the end of June, our minds had turned to the future and what it might be for each of us.  Would it be college, a job, the military…?  We looked at our parents and their friends as examples of what we might do.  They were nearly FORTY years old for heaven’s sake.  Surely we could glean considerable information from their experiences.”

We have attended many class reunions over the years.  This one is special.  Forty years have passed since we left high school behind to start our lives.  That is about how old our parents were when we graduated.  While we reminisce the good times we had in high school, we can also remember how great our parents were and how our lives have progressed since then.  This reunion was really a great event.  It was in fact a staged event over three days beginning at the Oyster Bar Friday night, the at Jimmy Hardison’s shop for a “pig picking” Saturday and finally a breakfast at the Hitch'n Post on Sunday.  Most of us have experienced parenthood and grandparenthood.  Our thoughts regarding our lives are quite different now than than they were then.  We appreciate the memories we create more.  This reunion was an event full of memories, some just made and even more relived with the proper embellishment.

Please enjoy the event as captured by some of the attendees.



Class Picture